Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Animal Farm

Friday, December 4, 2009

POL Performances

I chose a poem, recited by Madison Niermeyer, called "I Am Waiting" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. In this video, the student strengthens her voice at powerful parts of the poem, and weakens it at others. For this reason, I think one of her strong points is voice and articulation. By changing her voice in certain parts of the poem, she creates an atmosphere that expresses the intensity of this poem. I also liked her style of dramatization because it wasn't too exaggerated, but it didn't lack any style.

This poem, from what I interpreted, is about the anxiety and desire for the evolution or improvement of the United States. The poet wrote about what they are waiting to happen to this country. It also seems as though the poet wants to restart the life of America and start fresh or bring new things into the world. The poet has strong feelings toward changes and variety in things around him. I also think the poet is speaking of the death of all around him by stating things following the word "last". As if to say he is waiting for death to come to him.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird

When first hearing motif, I had no idea how to find it in any book. As I read To Kill a Mockingbird, the meaning and purpose of motif suddenly became amplified and I began to understand exactly what it meant. Reading this book mainly helped me learn how to depict a reoccurring symbol and decide if it had anything to do with the theme throughout the novel. Now, I can analyze literature and the meaning behind a symbol in it with much more ease because of this book.
The Mockingbird motif is introduced throughout the story when something bad occurs. The Mockingbird is used to portray someone or something that is innocent, doesn't hurt anyone, and minds their own business unless they want to help someone. Atticus tells Jem and Scout not to kill Mockingbirds and this helps add symbolic meaning to the book because it compares characters who are composed of the same aspects of the Mockingbird. This bird resembles all people who are similar to Tom and Arthur who mind their own business and don't like to make themselves too known. The Mockingbird motif contributes to the different themes of the novel because they are birds and can't be racist or hypocritical, although they are still respected by all.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Life Lesson

I am using a lesson my uncle told me when I was about eight, and he has reminded me of it since. He told me to learn from the mistakes that I've made, and most of all, the mistakes of others. He wanted me to understand and analyze other people's actions and learn what I could from them. I was also encouraged to learn from my own mistakes, because he knows I will mess up no matter how attentive I am of other people throughout life. He wants me, mainly, to run into the least amount of problems I can by watching and learning. Most of what I have gained from him has been from his mishaps in the past , which he doesn't want me to repeat.

His words have helped me along life in many ways, such as, not embarrassing myself during things like games, or more recently, during concerts. I have also improved his words by thinking about what I do before I actually take action so I can prevent future mistakes before they actually occur. I have taken what he tells me and try to make what I can of it by trying to see if it can be used in whatever situation I'm in.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Best Friend

I met my best friend in Dallas, Texas, in the seventh grade. We were both new to that school, the only difference was that I came from another school in that district, and he came from a different school in St. Louis. When we first met each other (through my friend that came with me from the other school I came from), we really didn't like one another in the beginning. It wasn't until we both made the basketball team in seventh grade that we became friends. We realized we had the same sense of humor. He is always making people laugh. We did not have the same athleticism though. He was the star on the team at 5 foot 10 inches, and me not so much. He also is lean and has dark hair. We became best friends after my mom and I dropped him off at his house a few times. After that, he was practically over at my house every weekend.
He's always playing basketball, one of his goals is to try to get a scholarship into college from it. Most of the time, he acts like a comedian always acting goofy and even annoying some people, he's very gregarious. He really just intimidates them into laughing if his jokes are bad (not me though). Other times though, he's really angry and any comment with barely any annoyance in it can set him off. Unless you know him as well as myself and other friends, it's hard to tell if he's lying, which he does a lot (hint: his voice gets high when he lies. If he's not lying, and you accuse him of it, then he'll yell at you). He could also be described as loquacious and an extrovert.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Early Memory

I'm not too sure if this memory was an actual memory, from when I was two or three years old, or if it was just a dream that felt real (my parents wouldn't be able to tell me). Either way, it's still a really old memory that I remember. The most I can recall from this is going to Sea World with my parents and my sister. I was given the chance to throw some food into one of the animal's mouths (I think it was a dolphin, not exactly sure). I was so excited to do it, but when I finally got the chance, I got pretty scared.
"Ro (sister), I'm too scared." I said. My sister replied "Omed, just do it, you'll be fine." By this time, I was looking straight in the creature's mouth and I was completely frightened by it. "mommy, I don't wanna do it anymore." I said in a high voice with teary eyes. She understood and eventually (after 5 minutes), I ended up backing out (I think my sister made fun of me for that decision). It's teeth are what really scared me, they looked like razors. Although I was completely terrified by that animal that day, killer whales ,or orcas, were still my favorite animals years after. That was a scary moment that I wish I could go back to just to see and remember how different things were when I was little.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the Catcher in the Rye: Motif

I think the author uses motif as the dominant literary feature in the book to help the reader realize what the main character is like and how he sees other people. Another reason J.D Salinger uses this element so often is because it creates a stronger atmosphere when talking about Holden by saying how he thinks everyone is a phony if they say a word he hates or acts different. Immaturity is one of the aspects of the main character and it is represented through his red hunting hat because it's a childish thing to wear and he puts it on when he acts like a little kid.

The book goes on a short journey through a tough part of Holden's life and describes what he goes through and what he thinks about in the process. One of the biggest signs of immaturity I saw in the character was how his life changed again in a strong way and all he worries about throughout the process is his parents finding out; the motif improves this idea by helping support how he needs to learn how to grow up to prepare for adulthood. He uses the school being bad as an excuse to fail his classes instead of blaming himself, which is also a childish thing to do. Motif is a large part of the Catcher in the Rye, mainly, because it contributes to giving the reader an idea and information about Holden's personality