Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Animal Farm

Friday, December 4, 2009

POL Performances

I chose a poem, recited by Madison Niermeyer, called "I Am Waiting" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. In this video, the student strengthens her voice at powerful parts of the poem, and weakens it at others. For this reason, I think one of her strong points is voice and articulation. By changing her voice in certain parts of the poem, she creates an atmosphere that expresses the intensity of this poem. I also liked her style of dramatization because it wasn't too exaggerated, but it didn't lack any style.

This poem, from what I interpreted, is about the anxiety and desire for the evolution or improvement of the United States. The poet wrote about what they are waiting to happen to this country. It also seems as though the poet wants to restart the life of America and start fresh or bring new things into the world. The poet has strong feelings toward changes and variety in things around him. I also think the poet is speaking of the death of all around him by stating things following the word "last". As if to say he is waiting for death to come to him.