I'm not too sure if this memory was an actual memory, from when I was two or three years old, or if it was just a dream that felt real (my parents wouldn't be able to tell me). Either way, it's still a really old memory that I remember. The most I can recall from this is going to Sea World with my parents and my sister. I was given the chance to throw some food into one of the animal's mouths (I think it was a dolphin, not exactly sure). I was so excited to do it, but when I finally got the chance, I got pretty scared.
"Ro (sister), I'm too scared." I said. My sister replied "Omed, just do it, you'll be fine." By this time, I was looking straight in the creature's mouth and I was completely frightened by it. "mommy, I don't wanna do it anymore." I said in a high voice with teary eyes. She understood and eventually (after 5 minutes), I ended up backing out (I think my sister made fun of me for that decision). It's teeth are what really scared me, they looked like razors. Although I was completely terrified by that animal that day, killer whales ,or orcas, were still my favorite animals years after. That was a scary moment that I wish I could go back to just to see and remember how different things were when I was little.
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